



Workshop scene

Attending the Central Committee were Comrade Tran Thi Minh Nga, Deputy Head of the Government Committee for Religion; Most Venerable Thich Thanh Nhieu, Standing Vice Chairman of the Executive Council of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, together with a large number of central and local scientific and historical researchers. Comrade Nguyen Thi Hanh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, on the side of Dong Trieu town, there were Comrade Pham Van Thanh-TUV, Secretary of the Town Party Committee, Chairman of the Town People's Committee and representatives of relevant agencies, departments, branches and localities. relate to.

Zen master Phap Loa (1284-1330), colloquially known as Dong Kien Cuong, was the second patriarch of the Truc Lam Yen Tu Zen sect. With 47 years of living in the world, 26 years of cultivating and practicing religion, Zen Master Phap Loa has inherited and developed the career that Truc Lam - Buddha Emperor Tran Nhan Tong created, making an important contribution to spreading the Buddha. Dharma, develop Truc Lam Yen Tu Zen sect, making great contributions not only to Vietnamese Buddhism, but also to the history and culture of the Vietnamese nation.

The conference received nearly 100 presentations from leaders of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, Buddhist intellectuals, scientists and researchers from scientific units across the country. The presentations went deep into the topics of the Conference, providing new approaches, new materials, awareness - new assessment of the career, heritage, role and influence of Zen. Master Phap Loa in particular, Truc Lam Zen School in general with respect to the past, present and future orientation. Many presentations not only suggested viewpoints and solutions to preserve and promote the heritages and relics related to Zen Master Phap Loa, the ideological and cultural heritage values of the Truc Lam Yen Tu Zen School. but also advise and recommend policies on exploiting and promoting unique historical - cultural resources, serving the comprehensive development of the local economy - society, culture - people.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Kim Son, President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, President Tran Nhan Tong

Speaking at the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Kim Son, President of Hanoi National University, President Tran Nhan Tong said that Zen Master Phap Loa was born in Dong Hoa village, in Cuu La, on the South River. This book belongs to Nam Sach district, Hai Duong province. His customary name is Dong Kien Cuong. His name is associated with the miraculous events that are passed on about his mother giving birth to him. In the year of the Dragon, the 12th Hung Long year (1304), the monk was 21 years old. This year, he had a chance to meet Nhan Tong Dieu Ngu when he moved from Dieu Ngu to Nam Sach River and became his great disciple. He was given the title Thien Lai by Dieu Ngu Tran Nhan Tong, taught, enlightened, and then passed on his robes and bowls to him.

Speaking of Phap Loa, people refer to an accomplished monk who summarizes and transmits his practice experience to generations of students. He is a symbol of gathering, transmitting the Diem custom, and developing Truc Lam Buddhism, an important and excellent lineage in the development of Truc Lam Buddhism and Vietnamese Buddhism in general, contributing to the peaks of Truc Lam Buddhism. high level of Buddhism in the Tran dynasty. At the same time, inheriting and developing Tran Nhan Tong Zen, making the spirit and ideas of Tran Nhan Tong shine and develop, both aspects of succession are excellent.

Phap Loa was a talented organizer of Truc Lam Congregation, a very effective and influential preacher of the Dharma, a very influential social activist during the Tran Dynasty. He is a scholar, who presides over composing books, printing sutras, translating sutras, and preaching sutras. He is a thinker who has made many contributions to the continuation of Vietnamese Buddhist thought in the most brilliant period, developing Zen thought, integrating Zen Mat... In the Truc Lam Zen school, he played a very important role. outstanding.


Đ/c Nguyễn Thị Hạnh - Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh phát biểu tại Hội thảo





Hội thảo được tổ chức tại thị xã Đông Triều - vùng đất địa linh nhân kiệt, nơi thánh địa của Nhà Trần, một trong những triều đại rực rỡ nhất, cũng là nơi ghi dấu những sự kiện gắn liền với sự ra đời, phát triển của Thiền phái Trúc Lâm.

The Tran Dynasty relic complex in Dong Trieu is one of five special national monuments, along with a large architectural and cultural complex spread across the eastern and western slopes of Yen Tu, which is being chaired and coordinated by Quang Ninh province. In collaboration with the provinces of Hai Duong and Bac Giang, actively develop a scientific dossier of the Yen Tu landscape relic complex to submit to UNESCO for consideration and recognition as a World Cultural Heritage.

With that in mind, Quang Ninh province and Dong Trieu town hope that, through this conference, there will be many valuable documents and opinions from scholars, researchers, speakers, and monks. ; make additional contributions to the on-going application, striving to complete it in 2021.

Source: Center for Media and Culture TX

